Red Kachina

is a series of encaustic monotype scrolls on kitakata paper named after a sound art event from a few years ago that was important to me. This event took place in the Widow Jane Mine at Century House Historical Society in Rosendale, NY with five artists playing 25 gongs in the industrial cathedral that is the Widow Jane. I've got this ardor toward Mars Red, how some version of it comes up in every art tradition, from ancient rock art, to Japanese lacquerware, to the Fayum mummy portraits, to icons and religious paintings.  This great unifying color across continents. Marking making here with walnut ink I made from the nearby and with handmade graphite encaustic paint

Barton Wright wrote that the central theme of Kachina belief is "the presence of life in all objects that fill the universe. Everything has an essence or a life force, and humans must interact with these or fail to survive.""


Hudson River Skool 2023


The Narrow Road to the Interior (1-60) 2020-2021